Your web page will never be boring again. Just pick up one of these GIF's to brighten (or dim) your web page. These are self-serve, that means you can put these graphics on your website. However, if a picture accompanies a link, be sure to include the link in your website as well as the picture.
Special Notice
You must download these images
and then upload them to your server. If you do not know how
to do this, you cannot use these on your website. To save these
images to your hard drive, just go to the image you want, click your right mouse button, and
then select Save As from the menu...

(as shown in the picture)
Then you will have to upload the pictures to your server. If your
site is on GeoCities, you can
click here
for a help page which contains links to info on how to upload stuff.
Featured Graphics
Feel free to put them on your page with or without their respective link.

Fake Awards for Your Website
Are you in the top 100% of the web? Does your website suck? Are
you Cool Site of the Day, every day? Then come on over.
Software Button Parodies
Is your website best viewed with your eyes? Is your site best
experimented with Microsoff Internet Inhaler? Or maybe
your site is created with 100% unregestered shareware.
Fake Campaigns
Clinton, Dole, Free Speech, and more. Find out why you should be
fighting for freedom of peach. Also some make-fun banners.
Web Clubs
Join in the Internet Blink Exchange, the lost in webspace club, bad spelers, and
Under Construction & Counters
Is your website under destruction? Do you want to add a - sign to
your counter?
Need a date?
Come on over and get a born-on date for your website! If you have
JavaScript, you can see when your site was last updated automatically.
Link to this site!
If you use any of the graphics from this site, feel free
to stick the button below on your site and link it to:
Once you've added the link to your site, you can add yourself to AltaVista. Then your site will be in
the gallery. Come see
who else is linking to Boodle Box.